Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Synopsis of Tort Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Synopsis of Tort - Case Study Example Conversely, Daniel could seek damages from Malik for spilling the beer on his son because that got him fired. This might not have standing because his boss might decide not to fire him later when he learns of the true circumstances of the events. Daniel could also seek damages from the concession own due to the negligence of the employee; he went into diabetic coma. He ordered diet and got regular. It was a reasonable expectation to get what he wanted, the employee then acted negligently. In the employee’s defense the concession owner could say that the scene was so distracting that the mistake was not negligent and that ultimately Malik should be held responsible having spilled the beer in the first place. Finally, Malik being shot would not amount to a tortuous claim against Daniel. Daniel acted in self-defense against a perceived threat. Malik’s decision to confront Daniel with a gun was not a reasonable response to being shoved. Daniel would probably

Monday, October 28, 2019

Improve Own Practice in Learning and Development Essay Example for Free

Improve Own Practice in Learning and Development Essay Why LD practitioners must engage in reflective practice and continue CPD. Analyse own values, beliefs and attitudes and the impact on their practice. Engaging in Reflective practice is associated with the improvement of the quality of care, stimulating personal, professional growth and the closing gap between theory between theory and practice. J Dewey was among the first to consider the questions of psychology and the theory of knowledge, I liked Brookfield (1998) as his concept explained discussing and talking and contemplating through the learner’s eyes. The appeal of the use of reflective practice is that as teaching and learning are complex, and there is not one right approach, reflecting on different versions of teaching, and reshaping past and current experiences will lead to improvement. Schà ¶n’s (1983) reflection–in-action assists practitioners in making the professional knowledge that they will gain from their experience in the classroom an explicit part of their decision-making. Research base practices strongly supports the importance of the teacher/ facilitator being a highly trained, reflective professional. The importance of reflecting on what you are doing, as part of the learning process, has also been empathised by many investigators, for example the second stage of Kolb’s (1984) learning cycle, reflective observation. Reflective observation can be an important tool in practice based professional learning settings where individuals learning from their own professional experiences, rather than from formal teaching or knowledge transfer, maybe the most important source of personal professional development and improvement. Another way to look at it is through Lewin/Kolb’s single-loop learning, and the Argyris and Schà ¶n concept double-loop learning which were mapped from the works of Ashby (1960) while working on cybernetics. Single-loop learning is like a thermostat that learns when it is too hot or too cold and turns the heat on or off. The thermostat can perform this task because it can receive information (the temperature of the room) and take  corrective action. Double-loop learning occurs when an error is detected and corrected in ways that involve the modification of an organization’s underlying norms, policies and objectives. Double loop learning uses feedback from past actions to question assumptions underlying current views. Davies (2012) explained the benefits to reflective practice Increased learning from an experience for situation Promotion of deep learning Identification of personal and professional strengths and areas for improvement Identification of educational needs Acquisition of new knowledge and skills Further understanding of own beliefs, attitudes and values Encouragement of self-motivation and self-directed learning Could act as a source of feedback Possible improvements of personal and clinical confidence . There are a number of ways to monitor your performance regularly, capturing incidental/experienced learning by keeping a self-reflective journal, by reading it over and over again I can begin to analyse achievements however small they seem and develop a greater level of self-awareness. This is where I try to recognise the needs to enhance my own learning so that a bigger benefit for the learner to progress and achieve something in their future. Firstly I identified my own preferred learning style as everyone learns in different ways. There are many ways to establish your preferred way of learning and as supported by Reece and Walker (2009), â€Å"All students are individuals and no two students learn the same way†. To move forward in life, we all need to improve our ideas, broaden relevant knowledge and skills. Getting constructive feedback (for example, learners, peers, mentors and colleagues) are important aspects of reflection. Performance indicators of the organisation are identified, it shows whether I am current with the ways of facilitating and is it having an impact on learners. It will also show how I am performing, what is going well and where I need training or guidance i.e.  learning Microsoft office at college, enabling me to have computing vocational skills. Utilising the S.W.O.T analysis where I am able to identify my strengths: Supportive Judicious Communication skills Imaginative and observant I am able to identify my weaknesses: Inability to refrain from helping Being too talkative Too altruistic This ensures me I am performing to the best that I can and that I am meeting all the standards and expectations within the organisations policies and procedures. The guidance of a mentor is an advantage for they have had similar experiences and understanding of their issues with self-development. There will be times when I will need support and advice to move my career forward and achieve life goals, so it is best to have an effective relationship. Some factors that help to build an effective relationship; Mutual respect Honesty and direct communication Acceptance and flexibility Commitment Trust Some shared values Willingness, to work through obstacles â€Å"Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills,  improve their performance and become the person they want to be† (E Parsole, The oxford school of coaching mentoring) I believe that all individuals are created equally, thus all have the ability to learn equally. Resisting from a classroom culture of control, with the correct amount of care and tutoring, learners would be able to participate in classes with simplified understanding. Providing adequate feedback is an important aspect, I always try to rephrase a question with learners so not only do they understand and try to answer correctly, they feel great when they receive feedback which motivates them to learn. When I provide learners with time and space to be aware of their own knowledge and their own thinking, student ownership increases. Research shows that metacognition can be taught (Visible Learning, 2009). Using reflective practice I am able to instil values that the learner can use in their life and work.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Flaws of the Weimar Constitution Essay -- The Weimar Republic, Ger

The Flaws of the Weimar Constitution The majority of people believe that it was the Weimar constitution which was fundamentally flawed and that this damaged the long term prospects of the Weimar republic, although strong points can be identified in the constitution which support the argument that the constitution wasn't to blame for the republics downfall. From this some historians have determined that the role of the constitution in the downfall of the republic is exaggerated. There were a wide variety of things that played a part in the collapse of the republic; one of these was the problems linked with proportional representation. There were two main problems with proportional representation the first is that in this kind of electoral system its much easier for extremist groups to gain seats in the Reichstag. In the first past the post system a certain number of votes does not guarantee a party representation in the Reichstag. This means that there is a limited number of parties in the Reichstag, making it easier to gain an overall majority thus meaning fewer coalition governments and a more stable power base. During the Weimar era the exact opposite to this happened. For example Weimar was on its seventh government by 1923 and coalitions were continually being broken up and parties leaving the government. This caused disruption and unrest and made the running of the country difficult for the next government. Another important point that historians like to make is that coalition governments have worked well before in different circumstances and cultures. Other arguments suggest that proportional representation encouraged spl... ...rather than making the changes necessary to sure up the economy. Increased inflation over the years did nothing to reinstate the people's faith in democracy. The main reason the constitution failed was not because the document itself was flawed but because the German people were not ready or prepared to make such a sudden change from autocracy to democracy. Other reasons were that people like Hitler were able to take advantages of loopholes such as article 48, but this again wasn't the fault of the constitution more the people who had put Hitler in the position of chancellor. The constitution was not truly flawed because it is likely that the same constitution would have worked well under different circumstances, but the other factors involved in Germany at this time made it impossible for it to operate successfully.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Recess at school Essay

Psychology helps marketers understand why and how consumers behave as they do. Psychological concepts such as motivation and personality; perception; learning; values, beliefs, and attitudes, and life styles are useful for interpreting buying process and directing marketing efforts. Motivation- is energizing force that stimulates behavior to satisfy a need. Personality- Refers to a person’s consistent behaviors or responses to recurring situations Perception- The process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world. Learning- refers to the behavior that results from (1) repeated experience, (2) reasoning. The way we perceive ourselves in relation to the rest of the world plays an important role in our choices behaviors and beliefs. Understanding social psychology can be useful for many reasons. First we can better understand how groups impact our choices and actions. Additionally, it also allows us to gain a g reater appreciation for how our social perception affects our interactions with other people. Claustrophobia is an â€Å"abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces† (Jeffrey, M. K., 2002). This paper will examine if the claustrophobia could have occurred through classical or operant condition or cognitive social learning. Most people who suffer from claustrophobia do not like being in tight, narrow places such as elevators or small rooms without any means of escape (Jeffrey, M. K., 2002). Studies show that most claustrophobic patients have had an experience when they were younger that have left an impression on them causing them to become claustrophobic when they became older. For example, an individual could have been trapped in an elevator for a period of time with no means of escape as a child. Individuals also have fears of being in small rooms with no means of escape and therefore do not like to close the doors to these rooms such as bathrooms (Jeffrey, M. K., 2002).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients

Unit 2 Project: Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Tracy Brown Kaplan University Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When considering effective ways to cut government spending, each state should start requiring mandatory drug testing among all its welfare recipients. Cutting welfare benefits to known drug abusers will allow benefits to be doled out more effectively and efficiently to those Americans that are truly in need, diminish drug use in those poverty stricken communities that tend to rely on welfare assistance and take a chunk from the government’s out of control spending.I think that this is an effective thesis statement because it clearly outlines my paper and it states what side of this discussion I have chosen to represent. It is stated clear, concise, and to the point. Because mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients is an issue that is not in full effect, it may be difficult to find opinions from â€Å"reliable† sources concerning such legislation. It may also be difficult to determine long term effects of such a program like cuts in spending and reductions in drug abuse. I will be researching government websites both nationally and locally.I would also like to contact local government representatives to perhaps get an opinion about the idea of said legislation. In addition, because this is such a new topic, there are many newspapers to research that will have the latest on states that want to begin developing the idea of mandatory drug testing. It will be difficult to avoid logical fallicies on this topic. Because I am coming down on one side of this discussion and want to persuade my audience, I will want to use comments and information from those that view it as I do.Using statistics that are deemed factual will help in showing that these are not just biased opinions from politicians that are simply looking for another vote. If I were to begin to persuade a city council meeting or write a letter to my local government represe ntatives about the importance of mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients, I would begin by saying: Welfare is not an entitlement! It was never intended to be as such.When President Roosevelt enacted the Social Security Act in 1935, it was during the great depression, when 25% of Americans were unemployed. Since then welfare has generously extended its hand to millions of Americans (2012). When someone is benefitting from these programs, and is not deemed disabled, it should be viewed as a â€Å"hand up† not a â€Å"hand out†. It is an issue all over the country that welfare is being abused by its benefactors. Cards are being used for ATM withdrawals, to purchase liquor, buying cigarettes, and even gambling in casinos.Food stamps are being openly traded for drugs (Camden, 2011). Not to mention the deception that is occurring about how many dependents a recipient is responsible for. To be subjected to a simple urine test to receive money and benefits from the U. S, government is not too much to bear. It is no different than obliging to mandatory drug testing for a job. Florida state governor Rick Scott has stated that in his state alone they will save 9 million dollars a year because of benefits being cut due to mandatory drug testing.With these kinds of cuts in spending nationwide, it is sure to reduce government spending a great deal. Not to mention the effect it will have on drug abusers. Florida state governor Rick Scott has implemented drug counseling on a volunteer basis for those benefactors that test positive (Delaney, 2011). Cuts in spending, responsible distribution of benefits and reductions in drug abuse, this sounds like a win-win scenario for us all. References Author Unknown, (2012), The History of Welfare, Retrieved from: http://www. elfareinfo. org/history/ Delaney, A. , (2011, November 27). Rick Scott Backs Drug Tests for Welfare Beneficiaries, Public Worker, and Himself, Retrieved from: http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2011/ 09/27drug-testing-welfare-_n_983235-. html/ Camden, J. , (2011, February 04). The Spokesman-Review, Abuse of Welfare Electronic Benefits Transfer Cards Targeted, Retrieved from: http://www. spokesman. com/stories/2011/feb/04/abuse-of-welfare-electronic-benefits-transfer/

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ethanol on the heart rate Essays

Ethanol on the heart rate Essays Ethanol on the heart rate Essay Ethanol on the heart rate Essay Effectss of different concentrations of ethyl alcohol on the bosom rate of the H2O flea In this experiment I will be looking at the effects of different concentrations of ethyl alcohol on the bosom rate of the H2O flea, Daphnia because utilizing worlds in a survey to prove the effects of Ethanol on bosom rate would non be ethical. Daphnia, like many animate beings, are prone to alcohol poisoning, and do first-class topics for analyzing the effects of the sedative on the nervous system due to the semitransparent exoskeleton, and the visibly altered bosom rate.Ethanol is a little molecule, RMM of 43, so it crosses cell membranes by simple diffusion. The exoskeleton of Daphnia is non rainproof, so there are no rainproof waxy beds to traverse. The gills are peculiarly thin-walled and optimised for diffusion. They live in assorted aquatic environments runing from acidic swamps to freshwater lakes, pools, watercourses and rivers. They are tolerant of being observed unrecorded under a microscope and look to endure no injury when returned to open H2O. The experiment consists in fixing 5 different environments to set the H2O flea in, and detect how the bosom rate responds to each alteration ; the alteration will be the addition of ethanol concentration % . This will be the independent variable. The dependent variable is the bosom rate of the Daphnia. Hypothesis: Ethanol will diminish the bosom rate of the Daphnia. Null Hypothesis: Ethyl alcohol will hold no consequence on the bosom rate of the Daphnia. I will alter the concentration of my Ethanol solution by dilution and will therefore secret plan a graph. In add-on, a correlativity and ANOVA trial will be calculated to find the relationship ( If any ) between the concentration of Ethanol and the bosom rate of the Daphnia. I have taken into consideration factors that will impact my overall decision Factors: Size of Daphnia The size of the Daphnia will impact its soaking up of Ethanol and besides the metamorphosis of the drug in the liver. Different rates of metamorphosis will ensue in different bosom rates. As a consequence I must guarantee that I choose Daphnia which are the same size when carry oning repetitions. I will utilize a extremely sensitive graduated table to corroborate that both water fleas are of equal organic structure mass. Time kept in ethanol solution The Daphnia must be kept in the Petri dish full of ethanol solution for a specific sum of clip. If they are kept in the solution for excessively long they will go drunk which will ensue in unnatural bosom beats that are difficult to mensurate although they must be kept in the solution long plenty for sufficient soaking up of Ethanol. Each Daphnia will remain in the ethanol solution for precisely 3 proceedingss so that an equal volume of ethyl alcohol is absorbed. Activity of Daphnia Some Daphnia tend to be more active than others and these will hold a higher bosom rate compared to 1s that are idle. After leting the Daphnia to swim in a specific solution of ethyl alcohol I will put them on a pit slide so that I can detect the bosom rate with a microscope. As I will be utilizing a pipette to reassign the Daphnia from the Petri dish to the pit slide extra fluid will be found on the slide which must be removed with tissue so that all Daphnia remain idle/immobile and non active I.e. swimming on the slide. This will besides let me to mensurate the bosom rate with easiness which reduces the likeliness of human mistake. Time left under the microscope If the Daphnia are left under the microscope for excessively long they will go stressed due to the heat of the microscope visible radiation and this will increase the bosom rate of the Daphnia due to the secernment of epinephrine therefore I must guarantee that the microscope is switched off when non in usage. The pit slides must be allowed to chill down earlier utilizing them once more as they tend to heat up. Impurities on pit slide Traces of drosss including ethyl alcohol from a old experiment may be left on the pit slide which may somewhat impact the bosom rate of the Daphnia therefore the slide must be cleaned and dried exhaustively before each repetition. Alternatively, a new slide may be used for each repetition. The stuffs needed to execute this experiment are the undermentioned: Normal size syringe 2 Small panpipes ( must hold units of measuring ) Open top pipette Ethanol of 1 % concentration Assorted Daphnia to execute experiment on Microscope 6 Petri dishes Cavity slide Marker Kleenex tissue for absorbing extra liquid Scale Stopwatch Method: 1. The first thing that has to be done is the readying of the different solutions where the Daphnia will be placed. To make this you will necessitate the little syringe, and 5 Petri dishes. It is really advisable to hold labels. The first Petri dish will incorporate 0 % Ethanol, in other words merely H2O. With a little syringe, take 10 milliliter of distilled H2O ( the usage of distilled H2O is of import as you will be taking any stuffs that may hold an consequence on the Daphnia bosom rate ) and topographic point it in the Petri dish. The syringe you merely used will merely be used with H2O and non for the Ethanol. Put a 0 % label on the Petri dish in order to maintain path of the different concentrations you will be doing. The following Petri dish will incorporate 0.2 % ethanol concentration, and you will do concentrations traveling up to 0.8 % , so: 0.2 % : With the other little syringe ( this 1 will merely be used for ethyl alcohol ) , add 2 milliliter of the 1 % Ethanol, to 8 milliliter of distilled H2O 0.4 % : Add 4 milliliter of the 1 % ethyl alcohol, to 6 milliliter of distilled H2O 0.6 % : Add 6 milliliter of the 1 % ethyl alcohol, to 4 milliliter of distilled H2O 0.8 % : Add 8 milliliter of the 1 % ethyl alcohol, to 2 milliliter of distilled H2O retrieve to label each concentration consequently 2. Put your microscope up, put it on medium magnification. Do non turn it on yet because the visible radiation of the microscope can heat up the environment where you will be detecting the Daphnia. It is of import to seek to maintain the temperature of the experiment every bit stable as possible. Heat may modify the Daphnia bosom rate, and the consequence of heat on the bosom rate is non the intent of this experiment. 3. Now it is clip to pick out one Daphnia from the glass or container where you put all of them in. It is of import to utilize merely one throughout this whole experiment because different animate beings may show fluctuations in their response to different environments. With the unfastened top pipette, seek to pick out a Daphnia which is non excessively little, as it will be harder to detect the bosom rate if it is little. Once you have managed to take one out, topographic point it in the staying empty Petri dish. Take the normal size syringe and really carefully suck the Daphnia in with as least H2O possible. The aim is to hold the Daphnia right at the tip of the syringe. Squirt the Daphnia out into the pit slide. It is really of import to set the Daphnia in with the least H2O possible, in order to forestall it from traveling excessively much. It is recommended to seek to force out it out with merely one bead of H2O, as this will maintain it alive, but immobile. Use tissue to ta ke extra fluid. Put the slide under the microscope. Turn the microscope on. 4. Make certain you can see the Daphnia clearly under the microscope, one time you are happy with the image, look for the bosom: 7 is the bosom. If you can see the bosom, and can maintain path of its whipping, put the Daphnia, with the normal sized, syringe into the 0 % labelled Petri dish. Wash the microscope slide with H2O and dry it. Turn the microscope off. 5. Keep the Daphnia in the Petri dish for 3 proceedingss, this lets it adapt do the conditions and besides increases the chance of it lasting the whole experiment. With the normal size syringe take it out of the Petri dish and set it onto the microscope slide, do certain that it is practically immobile ( by doing certain that you squirted the least sum of H2O possible ) and put it under the microscope. Turn the microscope on. 6. Get the paper and marker ready. Look into the microscope and do certain you can number the bosom round. Get person to number 15 seconds with the halt ticker. During 15 seconds, tap the paper with the marker each clip the bosom beats, after this, number the figure of points on the paper. Multiply this figure by four ; this gives you the bosom rate per minute. Record the consequence. Make this procedure 3 times in order to acquire 3 bosom rates. Add the 3 bosom rates and so split the consequence by 3 ; this will give you the norm of the Daphnia bosom rate under those conditions. Keep the Daphnia under the microscope for a upper limit of 2 proceedingss, because the heat of the visible radiation in the microscope could hold effects on the experiment. Turn the microscope off after the count to forestall farther warming caused by the visible radiation. 7. Remove the slide from the microscope, and with the normal size syringe put the Daphnia into the 0.2 % labelled Petri dish ( rinse the slide with H2O and dry it ) . Leave the Daphnia in the Petri dish for 3 proceedingss one time once more. After 3 proceedingss, use the normal sized syringe to set it onto the microscope slide. Repeat measure 6 and record consequences. 8. Count the bosom rate of the Daphnia when placed in all the concentrations. Work your manner up from 0 % to 0.2 % to 0.4 % , 0.6 % , 0.8 % . Make certain you rinse and dry the slide with the distilled H2O after each clip. You must get down from the lowest concentration up to the highest concentration because the Daphnia has to bit by bit accommodate to the alterations, you will be cut downing the chance of it deceasing. Another ground for this is that if you start at the highest concentration, the impact on the Daphnia will be excessively dramatic and you will non see any tendencies one time you try a lower concentration, it will hold an consequence of poisoning . Remember to reiterate each count 3 times to obtain an norm of the bosom rate. Keep the Daphnia under the microscope during the same sum of clip for each concentration, this will guarantee that if there was any type of consequence from the visible radiation under the microscope, all trials will be just because they were under the exact same conditions. It is possible for the Daphnia to decease during these trials ; this is why you must hold acquired a just sum of Daphnia, in order to hold back-ups. 9. Repeat this experiment one time or twice with different Daphnia, in this manner you will be able to analyze any tendencies present in the experiment more accurately. I will utilize the undermentioned tabular arraies to enter the consequences of this experiment: Averages will be calculated for both experiments and the consequences will be organised in a separate tabular array. My decision will be based on these norms because they are more representative. Alterations made to method: The Daphnia used in the first experiment died after being placed on the pit slide from the 0.6 % ethanol solution likely due to the deficiency of fluid on the slide so I had to re-start the experiment utilizing another Daphnia. No 1 was available to number 15 seconds with a stop watch so I had to utilize my Mobile phone which beeped after 15 seconds motivating me stop numbering the figure of bosom beats. Consequences

Monday, October 21, 2019

Confucian essays

Confucian essays The Confucian tradition, which began during the Han dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE) strongly stressed that all of society, including the government, could be run according to the principles of the family. The family was the moral and political model for all organizations. The commonly used phrase  ¡blood is thicker than water ¡ holds true in China. The biological bond between parents and children could not be matched by any other relationship. Master K ¡ung, the first Confucius master, recognized five fundamental relationships in society. These relationships are between state and citizen; between father and son; between husband and wife; between elder brother and younger brother; and between friends. Of the five relationships Chinese people placed the most emphasis on the father-son relationship. This emphasis celebrated the idea of filial piety. Filial piety came to be the most powerful force to maintain the order of society. The family and filial piety were the basis for al l of Chinese society and government. This is illustrated, in the Book of Filially through the views of Master Kung. According to Chinese tradition, filial piety was the primary duty of all Chinese. Being a filial son meant complete obedience to one's parents during their lifetime andas they grew oldertaking the best possible care of them. After their death the eldest son was required to perform ritual sacrifices at their gravesite or in the ancestral temple. A son could also express his devotion to his parents by passing the Civil Service examinations, winning prestige for the whole family. Most important of all, a son had to make sure that the family line would be continued. Dying without a son therefore was one of the worst offenses against the concept of filial piety. If a marriage remained barren, it was a son's duty to take a second wife or adopt a child in order to continue the family. Since Chinese women became part of their husband's family ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chasing The Grant

Chasing The Grant Most major cities offer artist grants for those of us involved in the arts. In my town there’s an annual drive for locals to apply, and back in 2014, I gave it a go. According to the rules, anyone in the arts field, including literary arts, was eligible. â€Å"Hot dog, I’m going for it!† I said. I followed the guidelines, crossed my Ts, and dotted my I’s. I was rejected. I applied again in 2015 and was rejected, 2016 rejected, 2017 rejected. If you’re reading this, you are a writer. Rejections are commonplace. You’re told â€Å"don’t take it personal because this is a subjective business.† Applying for grants might fall into that â€Å"subjective business† category, but Looking back it never dawned on me the lesson I’d learn from all this. The more you work at something the better you become. I received a phone call. I already had the grant organization in my contacts so the name popped up. I thought â€Å"Wow they’ve never called me about a rejection. This is a first.† Reluctantly, I answered. â€Å"Rod?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I’m calling to personally congratulate you. You won the grant.† â€Å"Don’t play with me,† I said. â€Å"This isn’t funny.† â€Å"No, seriously, you won. And I know how long you’ve pursued this. Congrats.† Honestly I don’t remember how many times I heard the word congratulations in that phone call, but that day was a turning point. As a writer you crave recognition. You yearn to hear that all this work you put in hasn’t gone in vain. We may never amass the riches of JK Rowling, but we do seek readership and acceptance. I felt vindicated. Then I researched, eager to learn how many writers had won this grant. Most grants are required to list all past winners, and I went back to when the records were first kept online in 2012. The only writers awarded grants were journalists, poets, a screenwriter, and a children’s picture book artist. No fiction author had ever won. Wow, right? What had I done differently? I had tired of rejections and attended a couple of webinars on grant writing, learning it’s more than filling in blocks on an application. You pursue a grant with the same serious mentality you infuse into your writing. You make the judges believe in you wherever you can. Where do you find grants? Online sources like FundsforWriters, state arts commissions, and local arts councils, for starters. Join one of many writer’s organization like AWP, SCBWI or Author’s Guild. Writer’s Digest, The Writer, and Poets and Writers magazines also list them. When you see a grant opportunity in FundsforWriters or anywhere online or in print, go for it. Maybe it won’t take you the five years it took me but consider a grant in your destiny. You are worthy, and writers are not quitters.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MANAGING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

MANAGING - Essay Example In his works, Foucalt has focused on five major topics, including the following: discourse, power/knowledge, de-centered human subject, body, and micro-politics (Izac, 2014). This paper focuses on the topic of power and knowledge, and analyses how Foucault s view on power and discipline explains the managerial work and management power/roles. Among a wide range of subjects and topics covered in the Foucault’s work, there are three central concerns expressed by the author: power, knowledge, and subjectivity (Townley, 1993). Power is viewed by Foucault as a commodity, which is embodied either in a person, structure, or institution and is held or possessed for achieving individual and/or organizational purposes (Townley, 1993). As Foucault (1981:94) explained, â€Å"power is not something that is acquired, seized, or shared, something one holds on to or allows to slip away†¦rather power is relational; it becomes apparent when it is exercised† (Townley, 1993: 520). This definition gives more insight on how Foucault views power. Moreover, Foucault views power and knowledge as two inseparable and interrelated elements (Izac, 2014). He has coined a term â€Å"power-knowledge† as power and knowledge directly imply one another, whereas power produces knowledge, and knowledge produces power. In Foucault’s point of view, â€Å"knowledge is power† as knowledge provides someone with the power and capability to control, manage and change the socio-political order (Izac, 2014; Foucault, 1980). Furthermore, Foucault explains how organisations and institutions, possessing power impose discipline by defining, creating, normalizing and enforcing knowledge and truth in human society (Izac, 2014). Thus, power attained and supported through knowledge produces our reality, dictates our behaviour, and creates our beliefs about the truth (Foucault 1991, cited in Izac, 2014). In this case, knowledge presupposes and constitute power relations at the

Group project analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Group project analysis - Assignment Example In this case, a group is treated as a single student regardless of the gender, age of ethnicity of the members forming it. This reflection paper explores the latest group assignment we deed establishing the dynamic involved with group as well as key issues. The group I belonged was made up of five members including myself working toward a common goal of completing the class assignment on time and at the highest quality level possible. Because the mark scored by the group was to appear on the result slip of the respective members of the group, it was expected that the contribution of members would equal to each other. Second, there was expected to be effective mutual communication between the members to enable them integrate the individual work into group work before submission to the lecture for marking as the lecturer had specified beforehand that piecemeal work was completely unacceptable. Third, there was expected for members not only to complete the assignment but also to learn new ideas from their interaction in the group to enable them grow their knowledge base as well as their skills in team/group work. Although the ultimate goal of submitting the assignment on time was achieved, the final score deviated from the expected score (95% instead of 100%) because of several challenges faced. Contrary to the prior expectation of equal contribution from members involved, only three members significantly contributed to the final document of the assignment. This does not mean that the two members did not contribute, they contributed but at a smaller percentage compared to the three most active members. This reminded me of the influence of personal factors such as behavior and attitudes on contribution in group or team work (Ramayah et al, 2003) considering other factors constant; same lessons timetable and same goal of excelling in our

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparative Analysis of suicide in Japan and UK Essay

Comparative Analysis of suicide in Japan and UK - Essay Example There has been a variation of these rates between different countries and regions (NEERAJA 2008, pg23). The variations of the suicide rates between different countries are mainly because of different economic and social conditions that exist in these countries. The Asian countries over the recent years have recorded higher numbers of suicide than their western counterparts. Although the data for these deaths seem inaccurate in the Asian countries, various indicators have shown that they rate higher, some reports rating it as high as 60% of the overall suicides in the world (NOCK 2013, pg31). Japan, for instance, has experienced a surge in its suicidal mortality rates since the 1990’s (NEERAJA 2008, pg53). This has brought much particular attention to the Government and its policy makers. Globally the suicidal rate indicates a higher suicide rates on males as compared to females. Comparing to their female counterparts in the same age groups, males from different age groups have been characterized by high suicide rate (BARKER 2004, pg24). Over the centuries, it has been important to consider this factor in order to be able to develop preventive measures. To develop proper mitigation strategies, it is important to study the variations especially with times and different regions. The causative factors should be reviewed on a broader perspective to help counter this menace. Failure or success of these strategies has failed to be measured on single aspects like that of mental illness and/or disorders. This is because of the multifaceted issue, and a lot of other factors have been known to contribute to it (OCARROLL & PARK 2007, pg22). The healthcare provisions relating to the suicide menace has been more comprehensive and fruitful in the UK when comparing it to Japan (NEERAJA 2008, pg81). According to most published reports, Japan has rated higher in the suicidal rates as compared to

Science Meets Real Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Science Meets Real Life - Essay Example This conclusion also has a chance of being faulty. There exists a chance of error in both of the final decisions sought over in the above description. To ensure our conclusion even more we enter our house once more and turn on the switch of another lamp to check whether it turns on or not. If this new lamp also would not turn on then it would be certain that there is no electricity in the house. The way this would be scientifically assessed is narrated a follows: Analysis: Either the bulb would glow or it would not glow. If the bulb glows in the second lamp then it may be decided that there has been a fault in the wiring of the initial lamp that was attempted to be turned on when the person reached home. There exists the possibility of a POSSIBLE ERROR here and that is that the lamp may not have been plugged into the socket properly. Just as the possibility of the lamp not being plucked into the socket was discussed, this possibility may also be assumed for the initial lamp. Hence the hypothetical testing of possibilities behind the non- functioning of the lamp continues unless and until all possible situations have been addressed. If the water is not coming out of the main water outlet then there arise two possibilities. Either there is no water in the overhead task or the tap has malfunctioned and is not letting water through. In order to clarify this situation the following scientific experiment is conducted: Analysis: If there is now water emission from any of the taps within the house then it may well be concluded that there must not be any water in the overhead water tank. However, if water is coming out of the other taps it may be assessed that there might be an airlock in the tap of the Garage that restricted water from coming out of it. Thus it was decided that if there was no water in the overhead tank then the tank would be filled by turning the water filling motor on. On the other hand if only the garage tap would

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Writing to Evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing to Evaluate - Essay Example This is because many razors in the market do not meet my expectations. Most of them do not last long; others are highly priced, while the rest cause irritations to my skin because of their poor design. I am sure a lot of men are reluctantly finding themselves in this quest as well. After a long search for a razor that could shave my tough beard and not irritate my sensitive skin, I settled on one of the popular blade manufactures, Gillette Company. I have been using their blades for the last fifteen years and although their products do not always meet my expectations, I find them better than most manufacturers in the industry (Adam 12). So, when the company released a new razor in the market a week ago; I was yearning to try it. The following is a review of the Gillette Fusion Power Gamer razor. This evaluation specifically focuses on its price, design, longevity and effectiveness. The Gillette Fusion Power Gamer comes only six months after Gillette released the Gillette Mach 3 late last year. This shaver is a cartridge razor which makes it simple to use and convenient. Fusion’s design is an improved version of the Mach 3. It bears a lot of similarities with the Mach such as the shape of its head. However, the Fusion razor has six shaving blades compared to the three that the Mach 3 has. I found the Fusion much lighter than the Mach, which is a good thing. Its small in size and rubber grip on the handle makes it very comfortable to hold. There are other additional features that make the Fusion a better blade such as the automatic shut off and the battery level indicator (Adam 15). Besides this, the sixth blade that is placed on the back of the cartridge is one of the best elements of this product. It made shaving under the nose and trimming of my sideburns using the Fusion less hectic. I did not cut myself on the nose-lip area which is something I frequently experienced with the Mach 3. Gillette also significantly reduced the size of the Fusion’s head. This is particularly useful when shaving tight spaces or looking for a closer shave. The blade manufacturer has distributed two versions of the product: the powered and the manual razor. I personally prefer the powered version for a quicker shave. For the powered version of the razor, drag across the face is highly reduced and the Fusion glides effortlessly. This is however the only good functionality of the vibrations caused by the powering, as I did not get a thorough shave (Adam 17). The Gillette Fusion also comes with a blade stabilizer which ensures the blades are at a fixed distance from each other and they do not shift as you shave. Gillette introduced another new feature in this product, what they called Low Cutting Force Blades aimed at reducing resistance on the skin. All this make this razor much smoother than its predecessor. This multiple blade razor also gives Gillette Company a competitive lead in the market against its competitor company, Schick. Apart from the design, cost is another key quality that I consider when purchasing a blade. The Fusion razor retails for 12 dollars, same to the Mach 3. This comes with a single cartridge and AAA battery. The consistency in price is a good thing for loyal Gillette customers, as we do not have to pay extra. However, this price is higher compared to other razors in the market. Further, the cost of the Fusion’s blades is higher compared to that of the Mach 3 blades. An 8 pack of Fusion’s blades cost 32 dollars compared to the 24 for the Mach. This is an 8 dollar variance in the two prices. This is a big deal for me. The high price is nonetheless compensated for by the long life of its cartridge (6 to 10 shaves) and the high number of shaves (4 to 5) the Fusion gives you before the blades are completely dull. This in

Electronic patient records (EPR) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Electronic patient records (EPR) - Essay Example It presents novel techniques of storing, controlling and conversing medical information of all kinds; those are more influential and flexible than paper base recording methods. It is the strategy of governments that seems to support a national healthcare infrastructure with a longitudinal patient record comprising a patients whole medical history from the birth to the death. At the same time, these advances increase a number of moral concerns. EPR may easily build a doctor-patient rapport through use of computerised notes, which the doctor and patient share. On the other hand, EPRs can damage the relationship and weaken faith. For instance, in the some developed countries there are medical data clearinghouses that trade medical patient information to insurance companies, police departments, employers, drug companies, and so on. As a result, patients are becoming unwilling to tell their doctors all about their medical conditions and the origin of them. Because of this doctor-patient r apport gets damaged and most crucially threatens to damage quality of care. Obviously, there is an anxiety and trade-off amid the need-to-know and the right to confidentiality that must be dealt with. Breach of medical confidentiality may seem to be easy for the reason that the competence of computerised systems. The harm to the patient whose confidentiality is dishonoured may be proportionately bigger as the quantity of information held within the EPR. But the merits comparing to the demerits are greater. The intention of this article is to trace the history of the efforts made by a Western industrialised nation to implement EPR, (b) to identify the benefits and issues arising, and (c) to reflect on the extent to which such an initiative is transferable to a developing country (Rogerson, 2000). The development in medical science is in step with the growth in various other fields, mainly the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Writing to Evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing to Evaluate - Essay Example This is because many razors in the market do not meet my expectations. Most of them do not last long; others are highly priced, while the rest cause irritations to my skin because of their poor design. I am sure a lot of men are reluctantly finding themselves in this quest as well. After a long search for a razor that could shave my tough beard and not irritate my sensitive skin, I settled on one of the popular blade manufactures, Gillette Company. I have been using their blades for the last fifteen years and although their products do not always meet my expectations, I find them better than most manufacturers in the industry (Adam 12). So, when the company released a new razor in the market a week ago; I was yearning to try it. The following is a review of the Gillette Fusion Power Gamer razor. This evaluation specifically focuses on its price, design, longevity and effectiveness. The Gillette Fusion Power Gamer comes only six months after Gillette released the Gillette Mach 3 late last year. This shaver is a cartridge razor which makes it simple to use and convenient. Fusion’s design is an improved version of the Mach 3. It bears a lot of similarities with the Mach such as the shape of its head. However, the Fusion razor has six shaving blades compared to the three that the Mach 3 has. I found the Fusion much lighter than the Mach, which is a good thing. Its small in size and rubber grip on the handle makes it very comfortable to hold. There are other additional features that make the Fusion a better blade such as the automatic shut off and the battery level indicator (Adam 15). Besides this, the sixth blade that is placed on the back of the cartridge is one of the best elements of this product. It made shaving under the nose and trimming of my sideburns using the Fusion less hectic. I did not cut myself on the nose-lip area which is something I frequently experienced with the Mach 3. Gillette also significantly reduced the size of the Fusion’s head. This is particularly useful when shaving tight spaces or looking for a closer shave. The blade manufacturer has distributed two versions of the product: the powered and the manual razor. I personally prefer the powered version for a quicker shave. For the powered version of the razor, drag across the face is highly reduced and the Fusion glides effortlessly. This is however the only good functionality of the vibrations caused by the powering, as I did not get a thorough shave (Adam 17). The Gillette Fusion also comes with a blade stabilizer which ensures the blades are at a fixed distance from each other and they do not shift as you shave. Gillette introduced another new feature in this product, what they called Low Cutting Force Blades aimed at reducing resistance on the skin. All this make this razor much smoother than its predecessor. This multiple blade razor also gives Gillette Company a competitive lead in the market against its competitor company, Schick. Apart from the design, cost is another key quality that I consider when purchasing a blade. The Fusion razor retails for 12 dollars, same to the Mach 3. This comes with a single cartridge and AAA battery. The consistency in price is a good thing for loyal Gillette customers, as we do not have to pay extra. However, this price is higher compared to other razors in the market. Further, the cost of the Fusion’s blades is higher compared to that of the Mach 3 blades. An 8 pack of Fusion’s blades cost 32 dollars compared to the 24 for the Mach. This is an 8 dollar variance in the two prices. This is a big deal for me. The high price is nonetheless compensated for by the long life of its cartridge (6 to 10 shaves) and the high number of shaves (4 to 5) the Fusion gives you before the blades are completely dull. This in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Changes to womens lifes in inter-war Britain Essay

Changes to womens lifes in inter-war Britain - Essay Example These changes contributed immensely to the attainment of equal rights with men. The purpose of this paper is to explore the changes in women’s lives during the interwar period in Britain. More specifically, the paper will examine the changes in women’s lives with regard to health, work, and politics. In the interwar period, women’s lives in Britain improved, especially in the realms of work, health, and politics. Women suffrage movements gained momentum, and their popularity gained widespread recognition throughout Britain. Consequently, women oppression declined considerably as women sought equal representation in the various aspects of their daily life (Laybourn 1999, p.114). One of the areas in which women made remarkable progress was in the field of employment. Unlike the years before the war, the interwar period saw women work issues addressed with numerous efforts being put in place to ensure that employment rights of women in Britain were looked into with a lot of keenness (Constantine 1983, p.33). From 1918 to 1939, the number of British working in industries rose significantly. In 1914, the number of women employed in British industries and other casual occupations was only 2000; by 1920, the number stood at 247, 000. The increase in the number of working women in Britain led to an increment in the real wages; this had an impact on household incomes, which increased considerably. Consequently, the status of women improved as they had the ability to provide for themselves and not necessarily depend on their husbands. The industrial position of women experienced some revolution as a result of the war. Women got an opportunity to work in the paid labour market, where they could be fairly remunerated for the work they did. British women gained profound freedom during the interwar period. They formed trade unions and lobby groups, which advocated for their rights at the workplace and their recognition as crucial players in economic deve lopment (Eichengreen 1988, p. 149). The formation of trade unions was mostly precipitated by the efforts of the League and Guild women. Some of the most influential trade unions formed during this period included the National Federation of Women Workers (NFWW), the Railway Women’s Guild (RWG) and Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL). The number of women working in the civil service also increased significantly. In 1911, the number of British women in the workplace used to be 33, 000, but this number had increased to 102, 000 in 1921. British women had an opportunity to advocate for their rights in the workplace through the introduction of "Sex Disqualification Removal Act, in 1919. This act gave women a chance to enter certain professions, which were previously preserved for men. In addition, about two million British women replaced men in employment positions. From July 1914 to December 1918, the total number of employed women in Britain increased from 24 percent to 37 p ercent. Working conditions of women in Britain also improved considerably during the interwar period (Constantine 1983, p.34). The enactment of the Industrial Courts Act of 1919 also heightened trade union activities during the interwar period (Eichengreen 1988, p.151). Between 1918 and 1930, Britain witnessed the passing of about 23 legislations, which aimed at according women equal rights with men. The influx of women in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Theology Proper Essay Example for Free

Theology Proper Essay The study of God is known as Theology Proper. This study is vital in knowing and experiencing the one true God. God goes by many names and He has revealed Himself to us, through His word and though revelation. By studying Theology Proper we can discover much about the Character of God like His attributes, His law and His will. When studying Theology Proper there are two different categories of studying God’s attributes. There are His absolute attributes and His comparative attributes. His absolute attributes are simply who and what God is. God is absolutely Holly, God is absolutely love and God is absolutely Good. These are unchangeable and consistent attributes of God. He can’t be any more or any less of any of these; if He were, He would not be the perfect holy, loving and good God that the Bible teaches. God also has comparative attributes. These attributes are ones that can be more difficult for our human minds to comprehend. God is Omniscient, which means He is all knowing. He knows everything, from every thought to every action that will ever be made. God is Omnipresent; this means that He is everywhere all the time. God is beyond time and space, so in essence no one is ever alone at any given point in time. God is finally Omnipotent, this means that he is all-powerful. God created the earth and rose from the dead. He can do all things and He chooses when to use his divine power for His purpose. God’s law is vital to know when studying Theology Proper. By knowing God’s law for His creation we can better understand His purpose for our lives. The law of God isn’t just an idea of what’s right and wrong, it is an expression of the nature of God. It is a revelation. Through God’s law, creation is controlled and God’s desires are carried out. Because we are sinful by nature, we must live under the law (not necessarily the mosaic law), without the law there can be not judgment or sanctification. The law is necessary for human existence. God is impartial, which means he must judge every violation of His law. Because of God’s perfect nature He cannot overlook the violation of His law. In order to know the Will of God when studying Theology Proper we must realize how this can be done. We can know God’s perfect will through prayer and talking with God. We can learn His will through studying His word and through listening to the Holy Spirit. These are ways God reveals His will to us. We can also know His will through divine circumstance and by being active in our faith. By being closer to God through these examples we are able to better understand God’s will for our lives. In conclusion we can better understand the study of Theology Proper and ultimately, better understand out Creator. Furthering our understanding of God’s attributes, God’s law and God’s will.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Genius of Hamlet, the Very Sane Prince of Denmark Essay -- Hamlet

The Genius of Hamlet, the Very Sane Prince of Denmark Hamlet in Shakepeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is often seen as a lunatic. Lucid and ingenious, Prince Hamlet falls into a state of emotional turmoil, but he is never insane. Hamlet feigns madness to reveal his anguish concerning the two women he used to love - his mother Gertrude and his lover Ophelia. To escape estrangement from his countrymen, Hamlet appears to waver between madness and sanity. And, to avoid moral estrangement, the Prince plans on revenging his father's death under the guise of madness. There is no question that Hamlet feigns insanity, and he does so to voice his emotions to the two closest women in his life, to influence the opinions of his peers, and to plan the revenge of his father's death. With his famous line "frailty, thy name is woman" (I, ii. 146), Hamlet descends into an abyss of emotional turmoil. He loses faith in his mother Queen Gertrude and in his lover Ophelia. Feigning madness, Hamlet is able to make his innermost anguish known to these two important women in his life. Still grieving at his father's death, Hamlet is shocked when his mother Queen Gertrude marries Claudius two months after the King's death. At this point in the play, Hamlet does not feign madness but is genuinely and openly melancholy. As Hamlet explains to his mother, his "inky cloak" shows his grief, but the pain is much deeper. Grief is not a sign of madness. Gertrude feels that her son has greatly changed, for he no longer views her as his mother . Instead, he calls her his â€Å"good-mother† - his step mother. Gertrude marrying her husband's brother is incestuous, and this bestirs feelings of bitterness in Hamlet. However, sinc... ...mark. Unable to speak freely before Queen Gertrude and Ophelia, Hamlet exaggerates his emotional turmoil so that these two women will soften their attitudes towards him and listen to him. Not only does Hamlet wish to win back the hearts of Gertrude and Ophelia, these two women also serve to verify Hamlet's supposed madness to the other characters. Furthermore, Hamlet must hide his rationality and cunning from his peers and from King Claudius so that he may proceed with his revenge plan. Freed from the suspicions of his mother, his lover, his peers, and King Claudius, Hamlet succeeds in avenging his father's death and in remaining sane throughout the play. WORK CITED Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. In The Norton Shakespeare: based on the Oxford Edition. Edited by Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1997.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Analysis of The Maltese Falcon Essay example -- Movie Film Maltese Fal

Analysis of The Maltese Falcon The Maltese Falcon, was not only a detective film, but a film that displayed many different aspects of the female and the male character in the movie. The film was more than a story, but a story that explored the ideas of the detective genre and the different characteristics of femininity and masculinity. It also brought forth subjects of sexual desires and the greediness of money. The characters and the visual motifs in the film contributed to the developing of the plot and assisted in creating a more detective and gender oriented film. In the film, The Maltese Falcon, the role of men and women are portrayed in different ways in the film to show the distinct functions of masculinity and femininity between the characters. Sam said to Effie, ?Your a nice rattle brain angel.? Sam Spade?s assistant, Effie is a conservative and a practical woman. As the detective?s assistant, she possesses more of masculine qualities than feminine qualities. Since she works in an environment around men, she has a tendency to be more influenced by their activities and their ideas. Sam said to Effie, ?Your a detective darling.? Her voice seems to be monotone which shows her as a strong and an independent person. Although she may act this way, she is still a woman who is somewhat ladylike and very polite. In some ways, women are used to bring forth the ideas of sex and lust, but in this case, Effie?s role was necessary in helping the story to develop and to present how the role of woman could be played and perceived. Sam said to Effie, ?Your a good man, sister.? Effie possessed many masculine qualities and this quote helped to reinforce the idea of it all. Another female role that was a part of the film was Iva, who was the wife of Miles. She was very lady-like and beautiful which helped her to use her image and personality in a way to receive certain things. Miles was Sam Spade?s partner in the detective business. Her character as a woman is somewhat different from Effie?s. Iva and Sam Spade once had a history together even though she was married to Miles. Iva said to Sam, ?You killed my husband, Sam, be kind to me.? She sets up a different role for woman because of her actions and of the characteristics that she possesses. In a way, she thinks that Sam Spade is in love with her and for that reason, she thought that he had killed her hus... character. Although Effie took on a female role, she possessed many masculine characteristics which allowed it possible for her to get along with the men in the film. The other women in the film took on the classic role of the female characters as helpless, seductive, or conniving. The male characters took on the customary roles as the ones who were strict and cautious, while others sought only for lust and money. Some of the male characters were able to control their feelings and did not allow their emotions to come in the way of their moral decisions while some couldn?t restrain themselves from the lustful feelings they had inside. Sam said to Brigid, ?If they hang you, I will always remember never played square with me for the half hour to the stretch that I?ve known you.? Even though Sam had feelings for Brigid, he was still going to turn her in for the murder she had committed. He was not going to allow his desires for her come between his morals and his profess ion. Through this many things were accomplished such as portraying the genre of detectives, the genre of female and male figures, and the roles that the characters which led up to the ending of the story.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Corrution the cancer of Indian society

The problem In our country is not the lack of knowledge or understanding about corrupt practices but the lack of courage to stand against such practices It Is very easy to target others including politicians but what about common man? WE HAVE to understand that the system is corrupt because we are also corrupt. First, we have to change ourselves then only we can expect change In others. This Is a very old method to point the fingers towards the wrongdoing of others. But no one is ready to check their own character. M really questioning the validity of self- referred right people. Before pointing fingers towards others, including politicians and other government employees, we should Introspect ourselves. I am seeing that everybody is ready to abuse the system but what about ourselves. Are we common people really different from those who are in politics and other sphere of life and running this country? No, that is the truth. We are no more different from those whom we are abusing cont inuously on different forum Including media.We are ready to talk about corruption till the time we want to abuse politics. For me doing anything ring is also a type of corruption and most of us in some way or other are involved in corrupt practices. It is quite possible that most readers will not agree with me on this because they are also in the same boat. Let us see whatever what I am saying is correct or not. We are ready to pay money in the form of bribe to get connections of different types such as gas, water, and electricity – all out of turn.There may be others In the society who are not able to pay such bribes to get such connections out of turn and even some time they have to Walt for longer period of time just because of people like us so called middle class who ant corruption to be eradicated from society. There are others In the middle class – especially small time businessmen like shopkeepers of different types, – and they may be earning more than w hat we are getting in the form of our monthly salary but they are not ready to pay income tax.There will be more than 10 million such shops in our country and most of them are not paying enough taxes as per law. People opposing FED in retail sector are actually supporting such shopkeepers. What is the need in the world for the parties to fight on such important issue of FED because of such tax evaders? They know very well how to evade Income tax and other taxes and they are at the same time running a market of black money. Whereas FED will bring a lot of money to the government in the form different taxes but it will ensure transparency too in the retail segment.So basic question remains are we really Interested to eradicate corruption from our society? If the answer is yes, then we have to start from ourselves rather than ask others to do. First, we have to change and then only we can expect the change in suit. Let us assume one person in each family take a vow to be not corrupt wh atever resistances will be there believe me that more than 50% corruption will eradicate at very such time. Gandhi]' had stressed that there is enough in the world for man's need but hopelessly not adequate for his greed.In India, it is the greed of a very few individuals that has threatened the teeming billion odd population of starvation, environmental degradation, uncontrolled rise in pollution and deteriorating environmental standards. Looking at Ago in the last 60 years, there is a visible difference. Ago through the sass right up to the late sass sustained itself admirably on solar energy. The ignite of labor saw every Goanna earn his bread through the day and sleep peacefully at night. The spring waters were pure, clean and rich in minerals, smoothening, invigorating and refreshing.Food supply may not have been plentiful but was adequate. The helpless and those ‘unfortunates' incapable of labor were looked after by the family, neighbors, friends or the societal form of institutions like the temple and church institutions or the likes of provider. No doubt then that although there was exploitation of the maunders by a handful of bathmats, by and large the incidences of robberies, rapes, murders and crimes were ender control thus affording Goons the tag of a ‘peaceful society'.Goons were appreciated as gentle, hardworking, talented and a faithful workforce. Goanna musicians, cooks, clerks, doctors, administrators, nannies, personal assistants, engineers and scientists became role models in all walks of life and made their mark in politics too. Goons strives hard to ensure the environment remained clean, green and salubrious. Do we have courage to take such a vow? I don't think so. If yes, for which chances are very less, then it will be really good for the country as a whole.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Newscorp strategic planning process model

NewsCorp (News Corporation) is a public company which is listed on the Australian and New York Stock Exchange. The corporation is also listed as a secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange. Newscorp was formerly incorporated in South Australia, and after a majority of the company’s shareholders approved relocation, Newscorp was re-incorporated in Delaware, in the United States on the 12th of November, 2004. Newscorp has its headquarters in New York, at 1211 Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Ave.), in the more modern 1960s-1970s corridor of the Rockefeller Center complex. I. HISTORICAL ANALYSIS Rupert Murdoch inherited assets in 1952, after his father died, and was able to create Newscorp was created in 1980, as a holding company for News Limited. Murdoch created news limited from assets he inherited in the year 1952 after his father, Sir Keith Murdoch died. A main asset left to him was the ownership of the Adelaide news. A. Businesses In: News corp. is today, to be one of the largest transnational media conglomerates on this planet. Its headquarters is in Sidney, Australia, almost every major parts of the world: United States, Continental Europe, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Latin America Asia etc covered by its global business operations including production and distribution of motion pictures and TV, Publication of newspaper, magazines and books. ( In 1987, the company [through subsidiary news international] mad an adjustment in the production process of its British newspapers, something the printing union had long maintained a highly restrictive grip. Some numbers of senior Australian media moguls were brought into Murdoch’s powerhouse, including John Dux, who was the managing director of the south china morning post. This resulted to conflict with the printing unions NGA and SOGAT. When News international’s London operation was to whapping in the East End, it resulted to nightly battles outside the new plant. Delivery vans and depots were frequently and violently attacked, ultimately the union capitulated. In 1995, fox network was scrutinized by the federal communication commission [FCC] when it was alleged that its Australian base made Murdoch’s ownership of fox illegal. They however ruled in his favor stating that his ownership of fox was in the public’s best interest. It was also noted that the stations themselves were owned by a separate company whose chief shareholder was U.S. citizen Murdoch, nearly all of the stations’ equity was controlled by Newscorp. Newscorp announced a deal in the same year with MCI communication to develop a major website as well as launch the foxtel pay television network in Australia in   partnership with Telstra and publishing and broadcasting limited. In 1996, fox established the fox news channel, a 24hrs cable news station. In 1999, its music holding in Australia was significantly expanded by acquiring the controlling share in a leading Australian based label, Michael Gudinski’s mushroom records, merging it with already held festive records [FMR]. They were both managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch for several years. In late 2003, newsdorp acquired a 34% in Hughes direct TV from General Motors for electronic operations of the largest American TV system, $6billion. Newscorp reached an agreement in 2007 to purchase Dow Jones publications of the wall street journal for an estimated $ 5.6billion. On 15 Oct 2007, the corporation spun off a business news channel from fox news, fox business news. â€Å"Their lawyers reviewed all the details of the contract between Dow Jones and cnbc† said Alex Glock fox business news’s vice president and the channel’s morning anchor. But she added, â€Å"We will actively use the other Dow Jones properties†. (Alex Glock) B. Goal Clarification Making the most of Dow Jones: Cohen pointed to newscorp’s. past statement that it could realize $50million in cost savings, specific offers were demurred by chermin, saying we believe there are significant cost savings on the print side. â€Å"We would like to see the deal close before we offer any number or predications. In the broadcast terms, Dow Jones NYSE News .people revenue comes from two areas and one of those areas print, is under -leveraged.† ( C. Strategies and Tactics fulfilling the Goals Annual conference: News Corporation always organizes an annual management conference, discussing media related issues to geopolitics. Those that attend include news corporation executives, senor journalist, politicians and celebrities. Cancun, Mexico, Australia, hosted such events. They were private and secretive, records are not available for the agenda neither were talks given at the conference and no uninvited journalist are permitted access. The 2006 event was in pebble beach California led by Rupert Murdoch, leaked copy of the agenda to the Los Angeles Times and other media accounts showed that issues discussed related from Europe to broadcasting and new media terrorism to the national policy. The event included speeches from Rupert Murdoch, former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bono, Al Gore, Hillary and Bill Clinton etc. D. Environmental Analysis News Corporation made its first acquisition in the United States in 1973 when it purchased the San Antonio Express- News and after founded the National Star, a supermarket tabloid and purchased the New York post in 1976. in 1981, it bought half the movie studio 20th century fox and the other half in 1984. In 1958, it announced it was buying the metro media group of stations, setting the stage for the launch of a fourth U.S broadcast network. In September 4 1985, Murdoch became a naturalized citizen to satisfy the legal requirement that only United States citizens could buy and own television stations. In 1986, the metro media deal closed and the fox broadcasting company was lauded. This network known and seen as â€Å"FOX† can now be picked up in over 96% of US household. In 1987, newscorp bought the Herald and Weekly Times ltd. In Australia the company that Rupert Murdoch’s father had once managed. By 1991, newscorp had amassed Hugh debt which forced it to sell many of the American magazine interest it had acquired in the 1980s. Much of this debt came from its stake in the sky television satellite network in the uk, which incurred massive losses in its early years of operation which was subsidized with profits heavily from other of its holdings until it forced its rival to accept a merger on its terms in 1990. The merger company BSKYB has dominated the British pay- TV market since. E. Competitive Analysis News Corporation. [NYSE: NWS, NWSA, ASX: NWS, NWSLV.] As at December 2007, News Corp had total assets of approximately US $69billion and total revenue of $31billion. They are diversified in their entertainment with operations in eight industries segments: television, filmed entertainment, cable network programmes, direct broadcast satellite television, magazines and inserts etc. newscorp activities are conducted in the United States, Continental Europe, UK, Australia and Pacific Basin. F. Strengths and Weaknesses of the organization News Corp’s revenue for the year ended as at June 30, 2007 was $28.655billion with operating income of $4.452billion. â€Å"This does not include newscorp’s minority shares of the revenue from direct TV and British sky broadcasting, almost 70% of the company’s sales is from its U.S. business.† ( References Alex Glock,23636,22617852-14334,00.html,9171,960821-2,00.html,9171,960821-3,00.html Fox Business makes TV debut, Hollywood Reporter, 16 October 2007. Accessed: 10-17-2007 Fox Business Network blazes new trail, USA Today, 14 October 2007. Accessed: 10-17-2007. Fox Business: Fluff meets financial, Toronto Globe and Mail, 16 October 2007. Accessed: 10-17-2007. â€Å"Murdoch's son sees pay doubled ahead of exit† Kercheval, Nancy and Danielle Rossingh. â€Å"News Corp. to Sell U.S. TV Stations for $1.1 Billion (Update5)†,, 2007-12-22. Retrieved on 2007-12-22. â€Å"Murdoch's Pebble Beach shindig†, Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved on 2007-12-01. â€Å"Bono and Blair to join Murdoch on the beach†, Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-12-01. â€Å"The PM, the mogul and the secret agenda†, Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-12-01. FCC, (2001). FCC Approves Fox/Chris-Craft Merger with Conditions, FCC 01-209 Fox Entertainment Group, (2001). Annual Report Hoovers, (2001). Profile on News Corp. Hoovers, (2001). Profile on Fox Entertainment Group Hoovers, (2001). September 11 Consequences,, downloaded on 11/29/01. Hoovers, (2001). News Corporation Reports Double Digit Film Operating Income Growth in First Quarter,, downloaded on 11/29/01. News Corporation Inc. (2001). Annual Report News Corporation Inc. (2001). Executive Management The Star (2001). Murdoch says 50:50 chance to win Hughes, Valueline (2001). Profile on News Corp.

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

â€Å"In time we hate that which we often fear† – William Shakespeare. Shakespeare understood what most do not: the true nature of hatred. Since most people do not realise that their hatred simply masks their fears, they   never confront the real problem. Consequently, hate continues to ruin countries, cities and families. This notion of hatred is never more evident than in Shakespeare's tragic play, Romeo and Juliet. In this play, the characters' hatred masks their fear of being powerless and drives them to prove their superiority, but this only causes their destruction. First, characters identify with imaginary labels such as power and courage to mask their self-doubt and to feel belonging. For instance, Tybalt tries to prove his superiority over the Montagues by projecting himself as powerful and socially dominant. When he sees Romeo intruding on the Capulet feast, he insults him as a â€Å"slave† (1.5.54) that he should â€Å"†¦by the stock and honour of [his] kin / To strike him dead [he] holds it not a sin† (1.5.56-58). Tybalt belittles the Montagues as worthless slaves that he should punish and kill without guilt. Therefore, he will rid Verona of their filthiness and prove his social power. Likewise, Sampson pretends to be a courageous warrior to improve his reputation and social standing. To Gregory, Sampson can easily portray himself as â€Å"†¦a tyrant† (1.1.19) that after having â€Å"fought with the men, †¦ will be civil with the maids; / [and] cut off their heads† (1.1.20-21). In short, they use their illusions of power and courage to deceive others and themselves into welcoming and accepting them.However, when humiliated, their illusions are destroyed and their insecurities are threatened to be revealed which leaves them defenceless to exclusion. In fact, when Tybalt is stripped of his power and forced into submission, he runs away ashamed to hide his inferiority. After arguing with Capulet, Tybalt is forced to leave his own banquet which with his â€Å"patience perforce with wilful choler meeting† (1.5.88) makes his â€Å"†¦ flesh tremble† (1.5.89). Tybalt trembles with rage and shame due to his forced submission to Capulet which proves he has no true social power as he must obey orders not command them. Similarly, Sampson quickly shies away from a fight when confronted by the Montague servants to hide his cowardice. Sampson urges Gregory to fight as he â€Å"will [supposedly] back thee† (1.1.35) and to â€Å"take the law on [their] sides, let them begin† (1.1.35) although he proclaimed himself a merciless tyrant. When he is confronted with a fight, Sampson backs away and encourages Gregory to take the lead which proves he is just a narcissistic coward. In other words, when the inferiority and cowardice of characters are exposed, they scramble to hide their true identities.As expected, to regain their lost status, characters resort to aggression to distract others from their vulnerability. For example, Mercutio, feeling offended and disgraced, quickly belittles Tybalt to regain control of the situation and his social power. Angered by Romeo's â€Å"†¦ calm, dishonourable, vile submission† (3.1.70), Mercutio disgraces Tybalt as a â€Å"rat-catcher† (3.1.72) and challenges him to a fight so â€Å"‘Alla stoccata' carries it away† (3.1.71). Mercutio challenges Tybalt to a fight so that people will fear him, remember him as a strong, brave fighter and remember Tybalt as a ‘rat-catcher'. In the same manner, Romeo immediately challenges Tybalt to a duel to avenge Mercutio and justify that he caused his death. Romeo decides that someone needs to â€Å"keep [Mercutio] company: / Either thou or [Romeo], or both, must go with him† (3.1.124-125). Romeo, infuriated, allows his emotions to take control and seeks revenge to justify and compensate for his cowardly submission which caused Mercutio's death. In other words, characters that lose their illusions of power and courage struggle to feel accepted due to their fear of rejection, so they violently and desperately defend themselves.Undoubtedly, they do not achieve their goal of self-redemption and only continue the cycle of hatred which creates a never-ending path of destruction. In fact, Mercutio's violent attempt to gain social power blinds his reason and brings about his social and physical downfall. After being struck, Mercutio exclaims â€Å"I am hurt† (3.1.86) while his opponent-Tybalt- has â€Å"gone and hath nothing† (3.1.88). Mercutio's attempt to prove himself powerful ends with his death not Tybalt's. This proves that aggression is not the solution and only ensures self destruction. In contrast, Romeo's mother-Lady Montague- pays the consequence of death for Romeo's rash decisions. Before discovering his dead son, Montague declares: â€Å"†¦my wife is dead tonight / Grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath† (5.3.210-211). Romeo's impulsive actions, which lead to his exile, causes his mother's death which proves that when characters resort to violence, they not only unintentionally destroy themselves but take down others too. In other words, when characters project their self-hate unto others through aggression, they cause their own destruction and collateral damage.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Climate Change in Boreal Forests Research Paper

Climate Change in Boreal Forests - Research Paper Example According to the research findings the shifts occurring in climate is hence highly likely to affect the forest areas as well, due to the change in precipitation conditions, leading to an expansion in some forest areas, particularly those falling within temperate zones; and contraction in certain other areas, such as those witnessed in the Boreal forest regions and the tropical forest regions. The changes are believed to have occurred due to the change in global climate and precipitation levels, over the years. Although it is highly difficult to predict with accuracy, the exact change in forest areas, which can directly be attributed to climate change. There are various evidences based on empirical research on the subject and other available literature, which is discussed in the following sections. Research suggests that the factors such as climate change fuelled with unsustainable human activities such as deforestation and extensive land conversions are driving the deterioration of f orests and natural habitation worldwide. According to Burton et al such activities is likely to increase the risk of natural disasters such as forest fires especially in forest areas which have low precipitation and is prone to dryness in the weather as is observed in the Boreal forest range. The conifer-dominated Boreal forest comprises of almost one third of the earth's forest systems covering approximately 1.7 billion hectares stretching across Scandinavia, Alaska, Russia and northern Canada. (, 2012). Almost two thirds of this forest range is located in the Eurasian region and the remaining one third in the Canadian province and Alaskan region (Hare and Ritchie, 1972). In Canada the boreal forest spans over a region of 290 million hectares and extends from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest in Ontario to the lowlands in Hudson Bay. The Boreal forest comprises of a vast and varied range of flora and fauna, ranging from larch, pine, spruce to fir, birch, aspen, willow and alder. The overall composition of the boreal forest i.e. the natural vegetation, the soil, and the climate is relatively simple yet its interaction with the external forces as a result of climate change, such as the availability of necessary nutrients, rising temperature, and the ecology of forces has added to the complexity and gravity of the issue (Bonan, 1989; Bonan & Shugart, 1989; Viereck & Schandelmeier, 1980). The uniqueness of the composition of the Boreal forest enables it to sustain in the cold weather and store the large amount of carbon deposits which are held in its organic soils (McGuire et al., 1995; Alexeyev & Birdsey, 1998). The fact that the mean global temperature are on a steady rise and the temperature rise in the Boreal forest region, due to climate change, has been recorded in the upper latitudes in Northern Hemisphere (Serreze et al., 2000). The large scale transformations in the forest management practices, owing to the increase in unsustainable human activi ties, have resulted in a simultaneous rise in the GHG emissions (Schlamadinger & Marland, 1996). According to researchers, there are various other factors which account to an imbalance in the forest atmosphere which are likely to have a far worse and negative impact on the ecology, as compared to the CO2 emission (Jackson, et al., 2008; Bonan, 2008). These factors arise from the manipulation of the earth’s surface due to human activities, and have the capacity to affect the reflectivity of solar power leading to instant heating up of the atmosphere in and around the area hence ultimately resulting in disturbance and unequal distribution of energy within the climate system (Marland et al., 2003). The following figure shows the change in

Monday, October 7, 2019

A position for the development of a moral corporate culture Essay

A position for the development of a moral corporate culture - Essay Example The paper tells that when corporations fail to make profits and lose to the competition, they will try to find solutions to restructure their business. When corporations do this, they should be more concerned about providing services that are ethical and will provide better customer service. Corporations get their revenue from consumers otherwise they will not make money. In fact, successful corporations should collect data on most of the issues the world is facing today and make the best strategy on how they can eliminate such issues. There are some particular directions that would achieve â€Å"Moral Corporation,† which are providing equal employment, eliminating discrimination, and preserving the environment. Having a moral corporation is good because it gives back to the community. How this can be done is by putting into place protective measures for the environment, organizing and writing a code of ethics, and choosing to provide help in world issues staff are interested in. This paper seeks to study why Moral Corporation and the relevance of corporate culture and ethics to Moral Corporation. It is found that moral culture and ethical behaviors are necessary for the sustainability of the corporations as well as environmental protection and development for sustainable development of society. Corporations are made up of persons. A corporation can be as responsible as a citizen. Responsibility goes hand in hand with rights and duties. Living a life with morals is a personal responsibility of an individual. If the corporations can enjoy legal rights of the citizens, for example, to sue and to be sued, responsibility automatically devolves on them. The negative externalities refer to environmental consequences of business decisions. When a company manufactures a product, environmental pollution arising out of such activity is borne by the society. This effect on society or cost relating to it is not factored into the pricing of the products. Therefore, t he producers should be made responsible for these costs associated with negative externalities and their customers should bear this cost.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Saftey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Saftey - Essay Example At the moment changing the clothing may take a long process. For this reason, this memo will provide some basics guidelines on how to handle a bee attack and avoiding the insects. Additionally, the memo will highlight on the steps to be followed after a bee attack. The memo will also provide guidelines on how to treat and handle immediate stings and long terms management of bee stings. Students should avoid strong scented colognes and body perfumes. Bees are easily attracted to strong scents. Considering that students are in bright attires, strong colognes make then easy targets of the insects. Students should avoid walking barefooted while in the field. Some wasps make their nests on the ground and stepping on the nest one may get their foot stung. Additionally, bees may be sucking nectar from flowers on the ground walking barefoot may result to a sting. In case of a bee sting, a person should as quickly as possible seek professional help to get the sting removed (Pearson 112). The urgency in this case reduces the amount of venom that enters the body after the sting. After the sting has been removed swelling can be minimized by compressing the affected area with ice. Bee venom is acidic and applying a base on the wound at high volumes would effectively neutralize the venom (Stengler & Balch 78). Stengler, Mark. & Balch, James. Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet, Nutrition, Supplements, and Other Holistic Methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2011.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Plan - Essay Example Although, currently my cholesterol levels and glucose levels are controlled, which also significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease, but my habitual smoking and increased body fat are considerable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It has been proved through research that smoking doubles the risk for ischemic stroke and smoking acts along with other modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Smoking however, is also one of the risk factors which can be easily alterable. Smoking is also associated with premature morbidity and mortality leading to approximately 430,000 deaths per year in United States (Ockene and Miller 3243). A body mass index of 30 or more is considered obese and is a significant modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Being overweight increases the risk of increased blood cholestrol levels and triglyceride levels and also predisposes the person to diabetes and high blood pressure (National Inst ituite of Health). Cardiovascular diseases such as coronoray heart disease can be prevented by changes in lifestyle and different medicines. Since I am not suffering from high blood pressure and high cholestrol levels, I need to focus on changing my lifestyle in order to attain maximum prevention. Lifestyle changes that I strictly need to follow are following a healthy diet, being physically active, managing my weight and quit smoking. Stress management is also important and should be made a part of normal lifestyle. I should eat healthy diet which includes high fiber, low saturated and trans fat, high in omega-3 fatty acids and reducing daily salt and sugar intake (National Instituite of Health). Low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes, poultry, lean meats, and grains are good sources of energy which also do not increase the risk to cardiovascular disease. According to guidelines I should reduce

Friday, October 4, 2019

Madonna and Child Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Madonna and Child - Essay Example Her eyes are narrow. Her skin is fair with a touch of pink upon her cheeks. She wears a loose, smaller scarf underneath the shawl, further covering her hair. We observe no appearance of any hair on Madonna’s head as it is covered by the scarf and shawl. Her shawl has a golden trim along the edges. She holds the Child with her left hand while her right hand is there to add further support. We note that her index finger, on the right hand, points downwards, either casually or perhaps a deeper meaning than the one that appears upon the surface. A light trace of a circle, which surrounds her head, can be noticed in the background on the canvas. The Child on the other hand has some peculiar features. For one, the first thing that is very visible is the colour of the skin, which appears to be of dark shade, perhaps light brown, with short hair. He wears a red tunic-type clothing with a shawl that partially covers the body. The Child appears to be holding onto Madonna’s shawl and scarf at the head. Again, like Madonna, there appears to be a halo like circle behind the child’s head, detailed with patterns. With Berlinghiero’s Madonna and Child immediately you will notice the higher level of details especially around the eyes and hands. Madonna appears to be wearing three different types of garments, a headscarf, a shawl and tunic or shirt type clothing underneath the shawl. Her right hand appears to be pointing towards the child who is held up by her right hand. We can also observe a white head covering underneath the large headscarf.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example for Free

Operations Management Essay Garland Company is a company known for its excellence when it comes to manufacturing product representing various combinations of reinforcement ma materials, surfacing materials, polymer components, and specific additives such as fire retardants, fibers, and fillers. The company originated in from US in 1895 and to extended distribution in Europe, Garland Company established their branch in Gloucester, England in 2001 called Garland Company U. K. , Ltd. For Garland Company, the best formula for future success is the combination of solid culture, traditional values, high integrity plus the product, strategies, service and technologies. That is why the employees of Garland understand clearly their importance in the company. The Garland’s ISO certification for research and development started in 1998 and up to now they still live up to that quality standard by producing quality products. Every aspect of Garland manufacturing is monitored through ISO 9000 certification processes, which include regular independent audits to ensure predictable, consistent adherence to world-class standards of quality. That is why the company’s products are backed-up with some of the strongest warranties in the commercial and industrial roofing and building maintenance industries.

Individual Needs of a Child

Individual Needs of a Child Alysha Lloyd Early Years Level 3 Unit 1 – A Unique Child It is very obvious that all children can learn, but not all children learn in the same way, at the same time or at the same rate learning is an individual process and therefore not every child will be learning in the same way or at the same rate. To help children learn it is very important to meet children’s diverse learning needs which can lead to more effective and efficient learning. Meeting a child’s diverse learning needs means identifying needs, developing individual goals and objectives for a child, selecting or designing appropriate supports and services, and then choosing the best learning setting. Combining and evaluating these things based upon your individual child will allow you to create a individual and more efficient learning process for that child. As a practitioner, you have a responsibility to your key children to provide appropriate activities for the age and stage of development of each child to help them develop further in all areas; growth, development and learning. Each child needs individualised care and this is what the EY strives to achieve with the focus on ‘A Unique Child’. With all those unique children in your key group, you have to take into consideration that when you conduct an adult-led activity you may have set an overall aim for the activity, yet each child will not respond to the activity in the same way and will need an individual outcome and therefore, it is important to think about, plan for, and interact with the individual, as well as the group as a whole. You have to consider the range of children’s styles, social interactions and personalities: †¢ Some are quiet; others are noisy †¢ Some like to spend time by themselves; others are the life of the party †¢ Some are shy; others are outgoing †¢ Some are active; others are reserved †¢ Some enter into new situations easily; others like to stand back and watch There also other things to take into consideration, for example, cultural and language backgrounds, life experiences, temperament, interests, skills and talents that can all influence how a child learns. Due to all these possible contributing factors, all practitioners should use a process called differentiation which means that activities, planning, resources and environments should be adapted to suit the individual needs of a child and allow them to participate and gain the most from each experience. Once you have taken the child’s unique needs into consideration and applied this to your planning and how you conduct your activities, you will see how each child will benefit in their learning. The benefit of meeting a child’s individual needs means that each child will gain the most from each activity and therefore are more likely to learn and develop at a more efficient rate based upon their needs. The amount a child will learn and gain from an activity will be affected by what the activity has been based upon; it has been advised that practitioners should follow a cycle of planning, observation and assessment. Children often learn and develop best when they are doing something that they enjoy, so if you observe them doing this, assess their skills and capabilities, you can then plan what’s best next for that child. This process will benefit that individual child, as the next activity planned for them will be something they enjoy participating in, are capable of achieving and are therefore more likely to learn more from that activity. Staff should place observation, planning and assessment at the heart of their practice and this process should be seen as a continuous cycle in supporting babies and young children’s development. Once you incorporate this cycle into your daily planning as a key worker, you will quickly see the benefits in your key children. An essential part of your responsibility for meeting children’s individual needs will require all children to be treated fairly and equally and to make sure there is no discriminatory practice happening. When anti-discriminatory practice is spoken about is important to be aware of three very important terms; Equality, Diversity, Inclusion; equality meaning that everyone is treated equally, diversity is recognising individual’s characteristics and differences and inclusion makes sure that all children can participate fully in their environment. Discrimination is taken very serious within early years setting and many laws and â€Å"acts† have been created to protect children from discrimination as a whole, the most famous being ‘The Children Act 1989’ and ‘The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)’. These acts are now used as guidance to make everyone aware that the rights that must be realised for children to develop their full pot ential, free from hunger, neglect and abuse. It’s a new vision of the child; a vision of a child as an individual and as a member of a family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to their age and stage of development. In order to provide an inclusive child care setting that celebrates diversity and does not discriminate against children and their families, the setting should ensure that the following things are taken into consideration and applied to all areas of practice: Accessibility equality parental children’s activities are accessible to all parents all children, making sure everyone can equally participate regardless of the capabilities, culture or background. Realisation of diversity activities in the child care setting help children to realise that they are part of a world where people’s backgrounds and experiences are diverse Provide positive images – Materials on display in nursery should help overcome stereotyping expectations by displaying all sorts of children from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds Celebration celebrations of multicultural festivals and events should take place in settings regardless of whether children would celebrate them at home. Activities reflect the diversity of background of all of the families represented in the community Avoiding stereotyping – Restricting girls from being more adventurous and boisterous and boys from being more sensitive and caring. Stereotyping can restrict possibilities in the future development by limiting expectations Make each child feel individual – Appreciating children for who they are and celebrating the characteristics that do make them different Treat all children equally but not the same – adapting the way you work with children to suit their needs therefore making sure they have the right opportunities. For example, adapting your activity for two children who are capable of different levels of achievement. Staff members must challenge their own views and beliefs and not portray any prejudices to the children, as the way in which adults treat children and behave can have a huge influence on them. Children should be encouraged to identify their own unique characteristics and those that are similar to other children. This will help them to feel comfortable within their own skin and value their own individual characteristics. They will also feel more positive about their own culture and background, gaining emotional well-being. This is also good practice in promoting diversity, as children will be more accepting of others who are different to them. Diversity should also be promoted throughout the nursery environment, so children should play with different toys from different cultures, they should celebrate a range of festivals and cultural celebrations within their setting and their also should be a range of photos and displays to help promote and celebrate diversity. It is highly importan t for staff to constantly promote diversity so that children are comfortable within their own skin, can celebrate their cultural background but also not be prejudice against others. It is essential that practitioners are aware of promoting children’s physical and emotional well-being. The emotional health of children and young people is increasingly recognised as being highly important to the wellbeing and future prospects of individuals. Children and young people’s emotional health is a cornerstone of all the Every Child Matters outcomes. Children who are emotionally healthy achieve more, participate more fully with their peers and community, engage in less risky behaviour and cope better with the adversities they may face from time to time. Emotional health in childhood has important implications for health and social outcomes in adult life (Mental Health Foundation. 1999. Bright Futures. London: Mental Health Foundation). The development of emotional health starts before a child is born, and the first two years of life are a critical period for laying the foundations for emotional health throughout childhood and into adult life. Emotional health is nurtured primarily in the home, but we know that practitioners and services can and do make a difference. To help promote the health and well-being of all children, acts have been written so that everyone can focus on the importance of what is best for each unique child. â€Å"The Children Act 1989† was written to help promote empowerment for children, making sure that they are involved in decisions that can affect themselves. The main points of â€Å"The Children Act 1989† relevant to working in early years are: The well-being of the child is of paramount importance children should be safe and secure within a setting and this should be a feeling shared with parents. When children feel safe and secure it is more likely that they will feel more happy and have a better emotional; well-being. Children should have their own race, culture, language and religion valued and respected – this can be explored through the celebration of diversity and individuality. Childrens feelings and opinions should be listened to – making them feel like they are important and special, linking in them to feel secure and safe. Provision should be made to meet the individual needs of children and their families – communication between staff and parents to ensure all child’s needs and interests are catered for therefore a child can get the best care available allowing them good emotional and physical well-being. Keeping children safe is essential in promoting a child’s physical well-being and once a child feels safe within their environment, they will feel more secure and confident to go and explore independently. Practitioners can promote well-being within settings by giving children the opportunity to make their own choices and decisions. Giving them these opportunities allows children to develop self-confidence and awareness, as well as learning to manage feelings and behaviour. The EYFS ‘A Unique Child’ promotes children as independent learners; this can begin from an early age as young as babies, exploring news things using their senses and as they become older, children can be given the opportunity to learn about keeping themselves safe. Practitioners can empower children, giving them choices and encouraging them to make decisions. This should include when children decide that they do not wish to participate in activities. This opportunity to say ‘no’ w ill empower a child and enable them to become a confident individual. This is important for their personal confidence and emotional well-being. Promoting independence and decision making from an early age and continuing this throughout childhood will contribute to a young person and adult who is confident, independent and assertive. As practitioners we have to be aware that all children are different and unique and this cannot be overlooked. If we do not take this into consideration it can have a large impact on not only the learning and development achieved by the child, but also their emotional and physical well-being. The EYFS theme ‘A Unique Child’ with the individual child at the heart of curriculum and planning, is a key part of all early years settings, therefore benefiting the value of each child. Whilst considering each child as an individual, we not only take into consideration their needs but the ideas of anti-discriminatory practice, helping their emotional and physical well-being. Information Sources Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Alberta Education Education Scotland UNICEF – Convention on the rights of the child The National Strategies of Early Years